From the outset of my studies and career, the environment has been at the heart of my focus. During my studies in Germany in the 1980ies is wrote my thesis for the Masters of Business & Economics about ecological accounting, which sadly until now has not been developed much further as a subject. After university I worked for Flachglas Solartechnik GmbH, Cologne, Germany, a solar power business and then for DEG, investing and financing businesses based on financial but also environmental and developmental aspects. Nature and the environment have consistently been present up to and including my current venture with BORGANB, a start - up fashion company with a mission to create and inform about fashion items made from innovative, organic waste material.
The plastic waste in particular drew my attention. The sheer amount of it in the oceans harms marine creatures, in rivers, but even as nano-plastic, not detectable for the human eye, but present everywhere in ocean, sea and river life, even in the human body. The scientific research is not exhausted but we can just assume that this material is responsible not just for the ever increasing waste mountains, but also for our lifestyle diseases like cancer etc.
BORGANB is not just a new eco fashion business but also the hope that we all try to learn and embrace a new culture on how to interact with what life and the earth is offering to us and not to destroy or abuse it.
Our approach is to try and use innovative organic waste material or plant material. We try to encourage our suppliers to do the same. We won’t give up trying to achieve it. We don’t use plastic and believe in fair labour practices. BORGANB transform textiles or leather from organic waste material into luxury and timeless lifestyle fashion and accessories. We will donate 15% of our profits to charity in the Amazon, Brazil.

Beate Baethke
Founding Director of BORGANB located in London, United Kingdom

Marie Michelle Hubrig
Sales Manager located in Berlin, Germany